
Before upgrade, make sure to back up the metadata. For production setup, you should use an external PostgreSQL and back up that database.

Version Management

Bytebase adopts Semantic Versioning using the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

Bytebase ties the version number with the underlying database schema progression, because:

  1. Schema change is a good approximate to the functional change. Large schema changes often indicate large functional changes.
  2. Schema change determines the customer involvement when upgrading to the new version.
  • MAJOR version change usually happens once a year. It might require manual effort from the customer. Bytebase will try to avoid that if possible.
  • MINOR version is changed when the underlying database schema changes. While the upgrade does not require customer involvement. MINOR version change usually happens about once every month.
  • PATCH version is changed when the new version does not include underlying database schema changes. PATCH version change usually happens bi-weekly following our release schedule.

Upgrade Process

The usual upgrade process:

  1. Back up the Bytebase metadata.
  2. Change version string
  3. Restart Bytebase
  4. Done
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